Jaime Ferreira de Oliveira
Dr Jaime F. Oliveira works at the Brazilian Centre for Research in Physics and as a Visiting Research Scientist at the Integrated Quantum Materials group in Cambridge. His research includes investigations of the Anderson-Mott transition in elemental tellurium driven by the application of hydrostatic pressure. High purity elemental tellurium single-crystals are found to undergo a quantum phase transition at low temperatures between an Anderson insulator and a correlated disordered metal. Jaime has also carried out experimental research into the superconducting phase of niobium-doped strontium titanate under pressure. He has experience with low temperature refrigerators and in particular ADRs (adiabatic demagnetization refrigerators) and electrical transport measurements under high pressure. Jaime F. Oliveira is interested in the physics of strongly correlated electron systems, quantum phase transitions, heavy fermions, topological materials, magnetism, superconductivity and disordered systems as well as the instrumentation and automation of low temperature systems.